Computed tomographic angiography (CTA) is recommended as a screening tool in selected patients after blunt cervical trauma who meet the modified Denver Screening Criteria for suspected vertebral artery injury (VAI).
Modified Denver Screening Criteria for blunt cerebrovascular injuries:
Lateralizing neurologic deficit (not explained by CT head)

  1. Infarct on CT head scan
  2. Cervical hematoma (nonexpanding)
  3. Massive epistaxis
  4. Anisocoria/Homer’s syndrome
  5. Glasgow Coma Scale score <8 without significant CT findings
  6. Cervical spine fracture
  7. Basilar skull fracture
  8. Severe facial fracture (LeForte II or III only)
  9. Seatbelt sign above the clavicle
  10. Cervical bruit or thrill
(CNS-VERT 2013, p.234; Level A)
Neither spinal angiography nor myelography is recommended in the evaluation of patients with spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA). (CNS-SCIWORA 2013, p.227; Level C)