Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you provide details on what the funds can be used for?

    There are no restrictions on what the funds can be used for. Some eligible costs include personnel, student funding, supplies & consumables, and institutional overhead. However, any Mitacs component will be subject to Mitacs terms (HQP support and eligible research expenses). Mitacs funds may be used to support the direct costs of research as specified in the Tri-Agency's Financial Administration guidelines( If you're unsure whether your costs are eligible to be funded, please contact

  • If I want to leverage other sources of funding to support highly qualified personnel (HQP), where would we include this amount?

    Please include these sources in the Other Sources of Funding section of the Budget Template.

  • Can the grant be used to pay student salaries for research?

    Yes, student stipends and salaries are eligible. We encourage you to leverage the Mitacs Accelerate Internship program to increase funding for students.

  • Where should institutional overhead be entered into the budget?

    Please enter the institutional overhead in the Indirect Costs section of the Budget Template.

  • How will the funds flow to the institution?

    Funds will flow directly from Vee Technologies to the institution according to the schedule defined by the Research Project Agreement. Where applicable, Vee will transfer funds to Mitacs, and Mitacs will distribute the funding to the institution(s) for projects that leverage the Mitacs Accelerate Internship Program.

  • When will the funds be released?

    Funds will be released according to the schedule defined by the Research Project Agreement. For projects that leverage the Mitacs Accelerate Internship Program, Vee will transfer funds to Mitacs according to the schedule defined by the Research Project Agreement, and Mitacs will distribute the funding to the institution(s).

  • What is the award term of this funding opportunity?

    The award term for the project is expected to be from 1 to 2 years.

  • What is the maximum number of projects being funded?

    At this time, there is no maximum number of projects being funded per round. The program will end when all funds are awarded.

  • What is the timeline of this funding opportunity?

    Application Date
    Application Opens September 23rd, 2024
    Application Closes November 15th, 2024
    Inform the selected applicants to provide a presentation to the Steering Committee December 13th 2024
    Selected applicants to present to the Steering Committe January 13th - 17th, 2025
    Vee/SONA to create a shortlist for Mitacs submission January 20th, 2025
    Award notification & Inform the applicants to submit to Mitacs January 20th, 2025
    Applicants submit to Mitacs deadline January 31st, 2025

  • Can a scientist be on more than one project? * NEW *

    Yes, scientists can be on more than one project.

  • Are there any restrictions on the level of development in the projects being proposed (e.g. research, proof of concept, minimum viable product, etc.)? * NEW *

    There are no restrictions on the level of development of the project. Nevertheless, projects which are closer to implementation and commercialization will be prioritized.

  • What is the success rate for this funding opportunity? * NEW *

    As this is the inaugural round for this funding opportunity, the success rate cannot be determined at this time. We will share more information on the success rate after the completion of the first round of funding.

  • Which commercialization offices will get involved when applicable?

    All commercialization efforts will be project-specific and will be coordinated amongst the respective commercialization offices of the institutions involved along with Vee Technologies and the SONA Group.

  • Can the grant be used to allow college professors to conduct research?

    Yes, these costs are eligible and can be included in the direct costs section of the Budget Template.

  • How can the institutions participate in the project?

    All FIBRE Collaboration Institutions can offer their facilities and services for a fee or offer them as in-kind contributions.

  • How will IP be handled?

    Intellectual Property for successful projects will be negotiated as part of the research project agreement between the awarded institutions, Vee Technologies and SONA Group prior to funding release.

  • Can institutions still work with other industry partners?

    The involvement of other industry partners will be discussed with Vee Technologies and SONA Group on a case-by-case basis. If you plan to involve another industry partner, please contact

  • Are collaborating institutions expected to provide any matching funding?

    No, collaborating institutions are not expected to provide any matching funding for this funding opportunity. Applicants are highly encouraged to pursue funding from other organizations such as Mitacs, grant agencies, sponsors, or donors, so as to leverage Vee's funding.

  • If an institution signs the adherence agreement after the first steering committee meeting, can the institution still nominate a member to the steering committee?

    Yes, institutions are able to nominate a member to the steering committee upon the signing of the adherence agreement.

  • Can faculty from partnering institutions become KITE scientists or must we partner with a KITE scientist for this funding opportunity? * NEW *

    We are constantly exploring cross-appointment opportunities with our partners. If you are interested in finding more about how to become a KITE Scientist OR if you are having trouble with finding a KITE scientist to partner with on a project, please email us at

  • How can faculty from a partnering institution get a list of KITE researchers and their areas of expertise/interest? * NEW *

    Please visit the FIBRE members-only website to find a list of KITE researchers who are open to collaboration with information on their areas of expertise/interest. (

  • How can we get SONA researchers to be part of our application? * NEW *

    Researchers can reach out to to set up a call with our SONA partner faculty to determine areas for collaboration. We will also share a list of SONA faculty interested in participating in FIBRE.

  • If the application is approved, what type of project agreement is required and between which parties? * NEW *

    The award is issued as a contract between UHN, Vee and SONA and the awardee's institution. The agreement will set out the parties involved, what each party is doing/contributing, the project start/end dates, the project budget (e.g. whether from Vee and/or government grants, and incorporating any necessary government grant terms and conditions, including institutional overheads), the deliverables, what (if any) project intellectual property will arise and who will own or can use it.

  • Will SONA be involved in the project?

    The SONA Group of Institutions will provide in-kind contributions to all funded projects that have request in-kind contributions. There is no limit to the in-kind contributions provided by the SONA Group of Institutions. The SONA in-kind contribution can come in the form of technical expertise, access to equipment and/or access to SONA facilities. The pricing of the SONA in-kind contributions will be based on coefficient-adjusted rates for India utilized by the European Union for Research. Please see the SONA facilities and services list for more information.

  • Will SONA/Vee Technologies have a formal first right of refusal to the developments of the funded projects? * NEW *

    Intellectual Property for successful projects will be negotiated as part of the research project agreement between the awarded institutions, Vee Technologies and SONA Group prior to funding release.

  • If we leverage the MITACS Accelerate program, when can we start?

    The MITACS Accelerate internship can start at any point of the academic program. Typical adjudication for Mitacs Accelerate projects takes 6-8 weeks. Accelerate internship units should not start until projects are officially approved and funds from Vee Technologies are received. Once this happens the awards, approximately 3 weeks after MITACS receives the funding from Vee Technologies, Funds will be released to the institution. For more information on the MITACS Accelerate program, please visit

  • Are students from colleges eligible for Mitacs funding?

    Yes, students from colleges are eligible for the Mitacs Accelerate program.

  • Why is the Mitacs application template being used?

    To eliminate the duplication of efforts, the Mitacs application template is being used to simplify the application process for scientists who wish to leverage the Mitacs Accelerate program.

  • Is this funding opportunity eligible for the NSERC Alliance-Mitacs Accelerate Grant? * NEW *

    No, this funding opportunity is currently not eligible for the Mitacs-NSERC Alliance Grant.

  • Does the FIBRE Mitacs representative or the Collaboration Institution's Mitacs representative support the development of the application? * NEW *

    Before November 15th, 2024, please send all questions to and the FIBRE Administrative Team will connect you to a FIBRE Mitacs representative.

    After November 15th, 2024, if the shortlisted applications include a request for Mitacs funding, the shortlisted applicants will be informed and be connected with the Collaboration Institution's Mitacs representative. The applications will then be submitted to Mitacs for review and processing. Then Mitacs will inform the steering committee of their decision.

  • Can the destination of the Mitacs award be designated as KITE/UHN? * NEW *

    Post-secondary institutions (universities and colleges across Canada) can hold Mitacs grants. As such, in the case of UHN researchers, they would need to use their University affiliation to receive their Mitacs grants. They may then pay their trainees directly out of that University account or arrange for the funds to be transferred to UHN via a sub-granting agreement.

  • Are foreign students from India eligible for Mitacs award as part of this funding opportunity? * NEW *

    Foreign students abroad are not eligible. International students are eligible if they hold status at a Canadian academic institution.

  • What is KITE's involvement?

    KITE Scientist(s) will be a co-applicant on all submissions. The FIBRE Administrative Team at KITE will be responsible for managing the grant application process. KITE is also able to offer usage of its facilities and services.

  • During what phase should I engage with KITE-UHN scientists?

    We encourage engagement between scientists from all institutions at any time as part of the FIBRE platform. If you need help with finding a partner, please contact

  • How are KITE Scientists involved in every project?

    KITE Scientists can be directly involved in the day-to-day research activity, or they can provide in-kind contributions in the form of advice and support for projects.

  • I am a KITE-affiliated scientist with a primary appointment in another institution. Can I still apply as a KITE scientist? * NEW *

    Yes, you can apply as a KITE Scientist, and the awarded funds will be held at KITE-UHN. If there is a Mitacs component, you need to use your University affiliation to receive your Mitacs grants. You may then pay your trainees directly out of your University account or arrange for the funds to be transferred to UHN via a sub-granting agreement.

  • Can members of the steering committee apply for this research funding?

    Yes, members of the steering committee can apply for this research funding. The members must recuse themselves for any discussion or review of their own submissions.

  • How is textile-based defined in the award criteria?

    Textile-based technologies are sub-sets of wearable technologies that are imbedded or made of textiles. All approved projects must be related to wearable diagnostic or therapeutic technologies and fit within the FIBRE goals and priorities.

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