I. Disorders of Consciousness

One in eight patients with severe closed head injury has been reported to suffer from prolonged coma and vegetative state as a consequence of the head injury. Research suggests that the responsiveness and environmental awareness of people in vegetative state (VS) or minimally conscious state (MCS) is often underestimated by clinicians. The mainstay of diagnosis is clinical evaluation for evidence of localizing or discriminating behaviours indicating awareness of self or the environment. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is widely used in acute settings to evaluate the level of consciousness. Clinicians must be aware that although the GCS is very useful for some aspects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) care, it is not a valid diagnostic tool for prolonged disorders of consciousness (PDOC), and more sensitive and refined assessment is required to categorize prolonged disorders of consciousness (PDOC). This is important as treatment and prognosis is highly dependent on accurate differentiation of the type of disorders of consciousness (DOC).

The prognosis is not always poor. 50% of vegetative survivors of severe brain injuries are able to regain consciousness within one year of injury and up to 40% subsequently improve to a higher level of the GCS. Sensory stimulation in particular has been promoted as a means to facilitate recovery and counter the negative impact of sensory deprivation often present in institutional care. Multi-modal stimulation may improve outcomes but too much stimuli may be more than the injured brain can handle. Close observation of responses to controlled stimuli allows for monitoring of progress. Carefully and gradually mobilizing these patients helps reduce the potential adverse effects associated with immobilization. Families can frequently play an important role.

For patients who are in a state of post-traumatic amnesia (PTA), it is necessary to document their progression to identify patterns of recovery and also to plan for when patients may be ready to progress to active sub-acute rehabilitation. Formal evaluation with validated tools is necessary given the fluctuating course of recovery associated with poor awareness typical at this level of recovery. Further, clinical care should focus on an orienting, structured, less stimulating environment with efforts focussed on minimizing use of restraints and sedating medications.

Patients with disorders of consciousness, in particular coma or a minimally conscious state, require ongoing access to interdisciplinary and specialized care. As such, not all centres may be able to provide this level of specialized care, even with adequate resources to monitor and rehabilitate these challenging patients. There must be frequent reassessment using standardized assessments. The degree of stimulation and mobilization needs to be monitored as the optimal balance of stimulation and rest is not known.

The team may need to do prolonged observations and multiple trials to determine true responsiveness of those in prolonged VS. The use of a tilt table or other mechanical device will likely be required and should be available in any centre that cares for patients with low levels of consciousness (LCFS 1-2). For patients with LCFS scores of 3 to 5 who are in a PTA state, the care environment must be able to provide a low stimulation environment with structure and consistency of care including consistent staffing as well as orienting information and materials for patients.

Indicators examples

  • Number and proportion of patients with whom restraints are used.
  • Frequency of the use of restraints / week.
  • Average duration of the use of restraints.
  • Presence of low stimulation rooms (LSR).
  • Average length of LSR use (days).
  • Proportion of individuals with a severe disorder of consciousness who are assessed monthly during the first year post injury.

The following are suggestions of tools and resources that can be used to support the implementation of the recommendations in this section. Healthcare professionals must respect the legal and normative regulations of the regulatory bodies, in particular with regards to scopes of practice and restricted/protected activities, as these may differ provincially

Clinical Tools:

Patient and Family Resources:

Other Resources:

All individuals with TBI, who have a disorder of consciousness, require close and ongoing assessment and observation. Family members may play a productive role in the early stages of care, especially with regaining consciousness.

Post-traumatic amnesia

The recommendation regarding post-traumatic amnesia assessment in individuals with traumatic brain injury were adapted from the INCOG2022 guideline, which synthesized evidence from multiple studies, including by Ponsford al.2021; a prospective longitudinal study Spiteri et al. (2021) and Hennessy et al. (2020).

The recommendations regarding using various environmental interventions, such as auditory or multimodal stimulation, light therapy and sleep hygiene in management of post traumatic amnesia with the aim to reduce agitation were adapted from the INCOG 2022 guideline, informed by a number of studies, including reviews by Carrier et al. (2021) and Block et al. (2021); an RCT by Makley et al. (2020) a randomized crossover trial by Park et al. (2016) and a systematic review by Carrier et al. (2022).

Non-pharmacological Interventions 

Multimodal Sensory Stimulation. Abbasi et al. (2009) conducted a well-designed randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the effects of sensory stimulation through structured family visits on consciousness as assessed by the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). Families received training about coma; how to provide appropriate stimulation and how to remain calm. Patients receiving family visits showed significantly greater GCS scores on each day of the intervention and attained a mean GCS that was 2 points higher than that of the control group. Although no long-term outcomes were evaluated and no follow-up was reported, these results suggest that family-provided stimulation may be an effective intervention for stimulating recovery from a coma. (Abbasi et al., 2009). 

A number of small studies of sensory stimulation including auditory, olfactory and tactile stimulation alone or in combination with other modalities provide early evidence for their use in care. The literature includes studies by Moattari et al. (2016), Heine et al. (2017), Cheng et al. (2018), Luaute et al. (2018), Deshpande et al. (2019). Due to smaller sample sizes and variations in methodology, concrete recommendations on stimulus dosage and schedule cannot be made at this point. Caution should be used to avoid overstimulation.

Johnson et al. (1993) randomly assigned patients to a group that received multimodal sensory stimulation or to a group that received no purposeful sensory stimulation at all. The primary outcome in this study was changes in the GCS post treatment. However, Johnson et al. (1993) did not report any data on this measure and only presented data on biochemical and physiological parameters of questionable clinical importance. The strength of the study findings has been questioned due to the “poor” methodological score (PEDro = 3); conclusions, were not based upon the study’s findings. Overall, the studies identified in this area generally show greater improvements in a variety of measures following multimodal sensory stimulation. Some studies aimed to investigate if the duration of coma could be reduced using sensory stimulation as their only objective. For example, Mitchell et al. (1990) reported that patients subjected to multimodal sensory stimulation experienced significant reductions in the duration of coma compared with controls. Again, duration of coma was their only outcome and in the absence of other measures of clinical importance, such as functional indicators (i.e., Glasgow Outcome Scale or Disability Rating Scale), such results fall short in demonstrating any clinical functional benefit of sensory stimulation. A 2002 Cochrane review showed similar results stating that there was insufficient evidence to refute or support the use of multisensory programs for patients in coma or  unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (Lombardi et al., 2002).

Auditory Stimulation. PTA duration is often used as an indicator of injury severity and as a predictor of outcome; therefore, it has been recommended that a validated PTA assessment tool be performed regularly until PTA has resolved (J. Ponsford & Sinclair, 2014). Numerous studies have examined potential assessment tools (Frey, Rojas, Anderson, & Arciniegas, 2007; Jackson, Novack, & Dowler, 1998; Shores, 1995; Tate et al., 2006; Tate, Pfaff, & Jurjevic, 2000). Recommendations regarding the management of individuals with PTA have been made mainly on clinical experience and little research is available to support these guidelines (Ponsford & Sinclair, 2014; Ponsford, Tweedly, Lee, & Taffe, 2012; Snow & Ponsford, 2012). 

A small RCT by Gorji et al. (2014) looked at the impact of an auditory stimulus (MP3 recording of a familiar voice twice daily for 15 minutes) vs. no additional stimulation on consciousness level in 13 patients with traumatic coma. Glasgow Coma Scale was applied to evaluate patients’ level of consciousness. The study found that the experimental group achieved a GCS score of 15 sooner than the control group, suggesting that familiar auditory stimulation could have positive effects for patients with traumatic coma in the ICU. Additional smaller studies examined physiologic effects of auditory stimulation by familiar voices (Pape et al., 2015, Parveen et al., 2015, Moghaddam et al., 2016) or music (Sun et al., 2015).

Insufficient evidence (non-pharmacological interventions). Multiple studies assessing the utility of various pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions were reviewed, but the evidence they provided is not sufficient to make recommendations at this stage due to methodological limitations, small sample sizes, mixed intervention modalities, lack of replication and early stages of research.

A crossover RCT by Matsumoto-Miyazaki et al. (2016) and a cross-over Pragmatic Clinical Trial (PCT) by Matsumoto-Miyazaki et al. (2016) examined effects of acupuncture alone or in combination with Transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) was studied in a case control by Liu et al. (2022) provided indirect evidence of the potential benefit of HBO. Additional research is needed to gather more direct evidence of HBO utility (Lu et al., 2021). 

Several recent studies have provided indirect support for the potential benefit of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) including a Case Controlled study by Liu et al. (2022), an RCT by Bender Pape et al. (2020), and an RCT by He et al. (2018). It is important to note that most of the studies reviewed combined the treatment with another modality, making it difficult to isolate the potential effects of rTMS. More research is needed to establish more direct evidence of the utility of rTMS. 

Transcranial extracorporeal shockwave therapy was evaluated in a pre-post study by Lohse-Busch et al. (2014) in 5 patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome. The limitations of this trial include its small sample size and lack of replication. 

Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) was evaluated in several studies, including a Pre-Post study by Straudi et al. (2019), an RCT by Thibaut et al. (2017) and a Pre-Post study by Angelakis et al. (2014).This research provides some emerging evidence, but it is lacking breadth of evidence across replication to determine if it should be a clinical practice guideline recommendation at this stage. 

Transcutaneous nerve stimulation was assessed in a Pre-Post study by Hakon et al. (2020), an RCT by Nekkanti et al. (2016), and a PCT by Lei et al. (2015) presenting another area of ongoing research and emerging evidence.

Pharmacological Interventions

Melatonin. A small PCT by Guaraldi et al. (2014) studied the nocturnal melatonin levels and light-induced melatonin suppression in 6 patients, suggesting benefits of melatonin supplementation.

Zoloidem. Two retrospective chart review studies by Oommen et al. (2019) and Zhang et al. (2021) looked at the effects of zoloidem in to investigate the effects of the medication to improve wakefulness in individuals with disorders of consciousness post TBI. A pre-post study by Du et al. (2014) explored the efficacy and indications of 10 mg of zolpidem delivered via a nasogastric tube in a group of 165 patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome  due to traumatic and acquired brain injuries. The study showed positive effects on restoring brain function in patients with injuries in non-brain stem areas.

Amantadine. Amantadine has been studied alone or in combination with other pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions in numerous trials including Hintze et al. (2022), Hadgu et al. (2021), Bender Pape et al. (2020), Abbasivah et al. (2019), Oommen et al. (2019), Ghalaenovi et al. (2018) and Salyhoglu & Sahyn (2019). An earlier placebo-controlled RCT by Giacino (2012) provides level A evidence that amantadine may promote recovery of consciousness in subacute phase post TBI. 

Insufficient evidence (pharmacological interventions). Multiple studies assessing the utility of various pharmaceutical interventions were reviewed, but the evidence they provided is not sufficient to make recommendations at this stage due to methodological limitations, small sample sizes, mixed intervention modalities, lack of replication and early stages of research.

At this stage insufficient evidence exists in literature to either endorse or advise against the following pharmaceutical treatments for individuals with moderate to severe TBI and disorders of consciousness:

  • Atorvastatin - Soltani et al. (2021) 
  • Citicoline - Shokouhi et al. (2014)
  • Intrathecal baclofen - Margetis et al. (2014)
  • Lorazepam Retrospective Chart Review - Zhang et al. (2021) 
  • Methylphenidate - Kamali et al. (2021) and Oommen et al. (2019) 
  • Modafinil - Hintze et al. (2022), Oommen et al. (2019) and Dhamapurkar et al. (2017) 
  • Selenium - Moghaddam et al. (2017) 
  • Vitamin D - Sharma et al. (2020), literature review by Choudhary et al. (2021) 


Abbasi, M., Mohammadi, E., & Sheaykh Rezayi, A. (2009). Effect of a regular family visiting program as an affective, auditory, and tactile stimulation on the consciousness level of comatose patients with a head injury. Jpn J Nurs Sci, 6(1), 21-26.

Abbasivash, R., Valizade Hasanloei, M. A., Kazempour, A., Mahdkhah, A., Shaaf Ghoreishi, M. M., & Akhavan Masoumi, G. (2019). The Effect of Oral Administration of Amantadine on Neurological Outcome of Patients With Diffuse Axonal Injury in ICU. Journal of experimental neuroscience, 13, 1179069518824851.

Bender Pape, T. L., Herrold, A. A., Livengood, S. L., Guernon, A., Weaver, J. A., Higgins, J. P., Rosenow, J. M., Walsh, E., Bhaumik, R., Pacheco, M., Patil, V. K., Kletzel, S., Conneely, M., Bhaumik, D. K., Mallinson, T., & Parrish, T. (2020). A Pilot Trial Examining the Merits of Combining Amantadine and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as an Intervention for Persons With Disordered Consciousness After TBI. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 35(6), 371–387.

Carrier, S. L., Hicks, A. J., Ponsford, J., & McKay, A. (2021). Managing agitation during early recovery in adults with traumatic brain injury: An international survey. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 64(5), 101532. 

Cheng, L., Cortese, D., Monti, M. M., Wang, F., Riganello, F., Arcuri, F., Di, H., & Schnakers, C. (2018). Do Sensory Stimulation Programs Have an Impact on Consciousness Recovery?. Frontiers in neurology, 9, 826.

Deshpande, S.D., Varadharajulu, G., & Kanase, S.B. (2019). Effect of Choice-Based Sensory Stimulation as a Coma Stimulation Technique on Traumatic Brain Injury. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10(7), 94.

Frey, K. L., Rojas, D. C., Anderson, C. A., & Arciniegas, D. B. (2007). Comparison of the O-Log and GOAT as measures of posttraumatic amnesia. Brain Inj, 21(5), 513-520.

Ghalaenovi, H., Fattahi, A., Koohpayehzadeh, J., Khodadost, M., Fatahi, N., Taheri, M., Azimi, A., Rohani, S., & Rahatlou, H. (2018). The effects of amantadine on traumatic brain injury outcome: a double-blind, randomized, controlled, clinical trial. Brain injury, 32(8), 1050–1055.

Giacino, J. T., Whyte, J., Bagiella, E., Kalmar, K., Childs, N., Khademi, A., Eifert, B., Long, D., Katz, D. I., Cho, S., Yablon, S. A., Luther, M., Hammond, F. M., Nordenbo, A., Novak, P., Mercer, W., Maurer-Karattup, P., & Sherer, M. (2012). Placebo-controlled trial of amantadine for severe traumatic brain injury. The New England journal of medicine, 366(9), 819–826.

Gorji, M. A., Araghiyansc, F., Jafari, H., Gorgi, A. M., & Yazdani, J. (2014). Effect of auditory stimulation on traumatic coma duration in intensive care unit of Medical Sciences University of Mazandarn, Iran. Saudi journal of anaesthesia, 8(1), 69–72. 

Guaraldi, P., Sancisi, E., La Morgia, C., Calandra-Buonaura, G., Carelli, V., Cameli, O., Battistini, A., Cortelli, P., & Piperno, R. (2014). Nocturnal melatonin regulation in post-traumatic vegetative state: a possible role for melatonin supplementation?. Chronobiology international, 31(5), 741–745.

Hadgu, R. M., Borghol, A., Gillard, C., Wilson, C., Elqess Mossa, S., McKay, M., Jastram, C., Jr, & Onor, I. O. (2021). Evaluation of Outcomes in Patients Receiving Amantadine to Improve Alertness After Traumatic Brain Injury. Hospital pharmacy, 56(5), 486–494.

Heine, L., Tillmann, B., Hauet, M., Juliat, A., Dubois, A., Laureys, S., Kandel, M., Plailly, J., Luauté, J., & Perrin, F. (2017). Effects of preference and sensory modality on behavioural reaction in patients with disorders of consciousness. Brain injury, 31(10), 1307–1311. 

Hennessy, M. J., Marshman, L. A. G., Delle Baite, L., & McLellan, J. (2020). Optimizing and simplifying post-traumatic amnesia testing after moderate-severe traumatic brain injury despite common confounders in routine practice. Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia, 81, 37–42.  

Hintze, T. D., Small, C. E., Montgomery, J., Reveles, K. R., Hafeez, S., & Barthol, C. A. (2022). Comparison of Amantadine, Modafinil, and Standard of Care in the Acute Treatment of Disorders of Consciousness After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Clinical neuropharmacology, 45(1), 1–6.

Jackson, W. T., Novack, T. A., & Dowler, R. N. (1998). Effective serial measurement of cognitive orientation in rehabilitation: the Orientation Log. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 79(6), 718-720.

Johnson, D. A., Roethig-Johnston, K., & Richards, D. (1993). Biochemical and physiological parameters of recovery in acute severe head injury: responses to multisensory stimulation. Brain Inj, 7(6), 491-499. 

Lombardi, F., Taricco, M., De Tanti, A., Telaro, E., & Liberati, A. (2002). Sensory stimulation of brain-injured individuals in coma or vegetative state: results of a Cochrane systematic review. Clin Rehabil, 16(5), 464-472. 

Lu Y, Zhou X, Cheng J, & Ma Q. (2021). Early Intensified Rehabilitation Training with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improves Functional Disorders and Prognosis of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. Adv Wound Care, 10(12), 663-670. 

Luauté, J., Dubois, A., Heine, L., Guironnet, C., Juliat, A., Gaveau, V., Tillmann, B., & Perrin, F. (2018). Electrodermal reactivity to emotional stimuli in healthy subjects and patients with disorders of consciousness. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 61(6), 401–406. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rehab.2018.04.007Mitchell, S., Bradley, V. A., Welch, J. L., & Britton, P. G. (1990). Coma arousal procedure: a therapeutic intervention in the treatment of head injury. Brain Inj, 4(3), 273-279. 

Mitchell, S., Bradley, V. A., Welch, J. L., & Britton, P. G. (1990). Coma arousal procedure: a therapeutic intervention in the treatment of head injury. Brain Inj, 4(3), 273-279.

Moattari, M., Alizadeh Shirazi, F., Sharifi, N., & Zareh, N. (2016). Effects of a Sensory Stimulation by Nurses and Families on Level of Cognitive Function, and Basic Cognitive Sensory Recovery of Comatose Patients With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized Control Trial. Trauma monthly, 21(4), e23531.

Moghaddam, F., Bousarri, M. P., Faghihzadeh, S., and Masoumi, N. (2016). Effect of Auditory Stimulation by Family Voices and Recitation of Prayers on Hemodynamic Changes in Comatose Patients: A Clinical Trial With Control Group. Crescent Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 3(2), 60 – 66.

Oommen, J.K., Wang, S., Axelrad, A., Hanna, A.F., Muralidharan, R., Osias, J., Fazzari, M.J., & Ali, F. (2019). Efficacy of modafinil, methylphenidate, amantadine, and zolpidem in consciousness recovery in intensive care unit patients with traumatic brain injury. Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 44(11), 676-681.

Pape, T. L., Rosenow, J. M., Steiner, M., Parrish, T., Guernon, A., Harton, B., Patil, V., Bhaumik, D. K., McNamee, S., Walker, M., Froehlich, K., Burress, C., Odle, C., Wang, X., Herrold, A. A., Zhao, W., Reda, D., Mallinson, T., Conneely, M., & Nemeth, A. J. (2015). Placebo-Controlled Trial of Familiar Auditory Sensory Training for Acute Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary Report. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, 29(6), 537–547.

Park S,Williams RA, Lee D. (2016) Effect of preferred music on agitation after traumatic brain injury. West J Nurs Res, 38(4), 394–410. 

Parveen, Y., Dhandapan, M., Dhandapan, S., Gupta, S. (2015). A Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess the Efficacy of Auditory Stimulation on Selected Parameters of Comatose Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. Indian Journal of Neurotrauma, 12(02): 128-134

Ponsford, J., & Sinclair, K. (2014). Sleep and fatigue following traumatic brain injury. Psychiatr Clin North Am, 37(1), 77-89.

Ponsford, J., Tweedly, L., Lee, N., & Taffe, J. (2012). Who responds better? Factors influencing a positive response to brief alcohol interventions for individuals with traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil, 27(5), 342-348.

Ponsford, Jennie AO, PhD, MA; Trevena-Peters, Jessica BOT/PsySc, DPsych; Janzen, Shannon MSc; Harnett, Amber MSc, BSc; Marshall, Shawn MD, MSc, FRCPC; Patsakos, Eleni MSc; Kua, Ailene MSc, PMP; McIntyre, Amanda RN; Teasell, Robert MD, FRCPC; Wiseman-Hakes, Catherine PhD, Reg CASLPO; Velikonja, Diana PhD, MScCP; Bayley, Mark Theodore MD, FRCPC; McKay, Adam PhD, MPsych;  on Behalf of the INCOG Expert Panel. INCOG 2.0 Guidelines for Cognitive Rehabilitation Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Part I: Posttraumatic Amnesia. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 38(1):p 24-37, January/February 2023. 

Salihoğlu, E.M., & Şahin, A.S. (2019). A Short Question: Can Amantadine Sulfate İnfusion be a Life Saver in ICU? Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences.

Shores, E. A. (1995). Further concurrent validity data on the Westmead PTA Scale. Appl Neuropsychol, 2(3-4), 167-169.

Snow, P., & Ponsford, J. (2012). Assessing and managing impairment of consciousness following TBI (2nd ed.). London, UK: Psychology Press.

Soltani, F., Janatmakan, F., Jorairahmadi, S., Javaherforooshzadeh, F., Alizadeh, P., & Alipour, I. (2021). Evaluation of the Effect of Atorvastatin Administration on the Outcomes of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Double-blinded Randomized Clinical Trial. Anesthesiology and pain medicine, 11(4), e117140.

Spiteri C, Ponsford J, Williams G, Kahn M, McKay A. Factors affecting participation in physical therapy during posttraumatic amnesia: a prospective study. Arch PhysMed Rehabil. 2021;102(3): 378–385.

Sun, J., & Chen, W. (2015). Music therapy for coma patients: preliminary results. European review for medical and pharmacological sciences, 19(7), 1209–1218.  

Tate, R. L., Pfaff, A., Baguley, I. J., Marosszeky, J. E., Gurka, J. A., Hodgkinson, A. E., . . . Hanna, J. (2006). A multicentre, randomised trial examining the effect of test procedures measuring emergence from post-traumatic amnesia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 77(7), 841-849.

Tate, R. L., Pfaff, A., & Jurjevic, L. (2000). Resolution of disorientation and amnesia during post-traumatic amnesia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 68(2), 178-185.

Weaver, J. A., Watters, K., & Cogan, A. M. (2023). Interventions Facilitating Recovery of Consciousness Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review. OTJR, 43(2), 322–336.






New Level of Evidence






All individuals with traumatic brain injury who have a disorder of consciousness require regular medical and neurological assessments and serial monitoring. 

(Adapted from NZGG 2006, 2.2.4, p. 39)

Last Updated June 2023




In the acute phase, the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) should be used for neurological assessment and monitoring of persons with disorders of consciousness. While the GCS is considered relatively easy to use, reliability can vary and regular training/education across users is recommended.

(Adapted from NZGG 2006, 2.2.1, p. 37)

In the acute phase, the Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR) score should be used for neurological assessment and monitoring of persons with disorders of consciousness who are intubated. Because the FOUR includes pupil reactivity and corneal reflex, it is a better tool than the GCS in this patient population.

In the acute phase the Coma Recovery Scale Revised (CRS-R) can be used for assessment and monitoring of persons with disorders of consciousness; however, this tool requires specific equipment, training and additional time compared to the GCS and the FOUR.

In persons with prolonged disorders of consciousness, the Coma Recovery Scale Revised (CRS-R) is the preferred tool for neurological assessment and monitoring.

Immediate medical and physical re-evaluation should be conducted when a fall or unexpected change in the GCS score of more than 2 points (or a fall in another appropriate metric reflecting neurological status, e.g. CRS-R) is observed in a person with disorders of consciousness.

Note: Deterioration in the GCS scores or failure to improve as expected with time post-injury should trigger immediate re-evaluation of the clinical situation with urgent investigations and/ or referral commensurate with the clinical situation.

Last Updated June 2023



Diagnosis of unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS) or minimally conscious state (MCS) following traumatic brain injury should be based on assessment:

  • By appropriately trained clinicians who are experienced in UWS or MCS :
    • Under suitable conditions
    • Using validated structured assessment tools
    • In a series of observations over an adequate period of time (at least 10 occasions over a minimum of 2-3 weeks during the initial first few months) 
  • In conjunction with clinical reports of behavioural responses gleaned from:
    • The care records
    • Interviews with family members / healthcare professionals

Note: The Coma Recovery Scale (CRS-R) should be used as the primary structured tool for the assessment of the level of consciousness; in addition, the Wessex Head Injury Matrix (WHIM) and/or the Sensory Modality Assessment Rehabilitation Technique (SMART) scale may be used to provide complimentary information.

(Adapted from RCP 2020, Section 2; 2.4, 2.6, p. 67).

Last Updated June 2023



Families play an active role in the assessment of individuals with PDOC because individuals may respond at an earlier stage to their loved ones. Clinicians should work closely with the family members of the person with traumatic brain injury with prolonged disorders of consciousness (PDOC), explaining what behaviours to look for and how to distinguish higher-level responses from reflex activity. Where appropriate, families may also be encouraged to use tools or videos to record their observations.

(Adapted from RCP 2020, Section 2; 2.5, p. 67) 

Last Updated June 2023




In the acute period, clinicians should identify the cause of the brain damage, rule out treatable causes of disorders of consciousness (e.g. metabolic disorders, infective disorders, seizures, medications, toxins, hydrocephalia, etc.), and institute appropriate treatments as soon as possible.

(Adapted from RCP 2020, Section 2; 2.2, p. 66)

Last Updated June 2023



Post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) assessment of a person with traumatic brain injury should be performed on a serial basis using a validated tool (e.g., Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test (GOAT), Orientation Log (O-Log), and Westmead Post-Traumatic Amnesia Scale (WPTAS)), until resolution of the PTA.

(Adapted from NZGG 2006, 2.2.3, p. 38, INCOG 2014, Assess 2; PTA 1, p.296 and INCOG 2014, PTA 1, p. 314, Ponsford et al.2021; Spiteri et al. 2021; Hennessy et al. 2020) 

Last Updated June 2023




To minimize agitation and confusion associated with post-traumatic amnesia (PTA), individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) should remain in a secure and supervised environment until they have emerged from PTA. 

It is recommended to:

  • Maintain a quiet and consistent environment on the ward and avoid overstimulation 
  • Consider the use of low-stimulation rooms 
  • Evaluate the impact of visitors, assessment and therapy and limit these activities if they cause agitation or excessive fatigue 
  • Facilitate night-time sleep and daytime wakefulness, while allowing rest as needed 
  • Minimize the use of restraints while facilitating the use of alternate measures in order to allow the patient to move around freely 
  • Minimize noxious stimuli when possible (e.g. urinary catheters, feeding tubes, IV lines)  
  • Have consistent healthcare professionals or trained caregivers working with the patient 
  • Establish and utilize the most reliable and simple means of communication with the patient (e.g. use pictograms, gestures, a communication board) 
  • Provide frequent reassurance and orientation cues, but avoid unnecessary repeated orientation and memory questioning  
  • Present familiarizing information as tolerated by the patient 
  • Help family members understand PTA and how to minimize triggering agitation  
  • Identify and address triggers for agitation 
  • Supervised limited listening to patient-preferred music may reduce agitation 

(Adapted from INCOG 2014, PTA 3, p. 314, Carrier et al. 2021; Block et al. 2021; Makley et al.2020; Park et al. 2016; Carrier et al. 2022)

Last Updated June 2023




Physical therapists should make efforts to provide therapy to patients in PTA. They should adapt session length, intensity, and location based on the degree of agitation, cognitive impairment, and fatigue of the person with TBI.

(Adapted from INCOG 2022)

Last Updated June 2023




Swallowing and communication should be assessed and monitored by speech language pathologists (SLPs). 

(Adapted from INCOG 2022)

Last Updated June 2023




Individuals with TBI in PTA should receive activities of daily living (ADL) training that is standardized and individualized, following procedural and errorless learning principles.

(Adapted from INCOG 2022)

Last Updated June 2023




The use of neuroleptics (e.g. haloperidol, risperidone) and benzodiazepines to treat agitation or aggression associated with PTA in individuals with TBI should be minimized. These medications may slow recovery after brain injury, slow emergence from PTA, and may have a negative effect on cognition. In general, neuroleptic medications should be limited to those given for more severe levels of agitation and aggression that threaten patient and/or staff safety. When medications are required, it is recommended to start low, go slow, and monitor the impact on agitation and cognition using standardized tools.

(Adapted from INCOG 2022)

Last Updated June 2023




All individuals with a disorder of consciousness should be periodically assessed throughout the first-year post-injury by an interdisciplinary team with specialized experience in traumatic brain injury.

Note: The interprofessional team may include the following core professionals: intensivist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, physiatrist, clinical nutritionist, respiratory therapist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, neuropsychologist, social worker and speech language pathologist, etc., as appropriate.

Last Updated June 2023



Where individuals remain in a coma or minimally conscious state following traumatic brain injury, a period of treatment/management in a specialized tertiary centre should be considered if local services are unable to meet their needs for specialized nursing or rehabilitation.

(Adapted from ABIKUS 2007, G81, p. 29; Adapted from RCP 2020, Section 2, 2.1, p. 66)

Note: This may require additional resources over current practice. Ideally, these resources would be placed within existing intensive rehabilitation services.

Last Updated June 2023



Healthcare professionals, friends and families should be mindful of hypersensitivity and fatigue. In order to avoid overstimulation, they should manage the number and frequency of visitors based on the limitations of the facility and patient's level of awareness/cognitive endurance. 

(Adapted from RCP 2020, Section 2, 2.8, p. 68)

Last Updated June 2023




Sensory stimulation programs can be beneficial and should focus on pleasant sensations involving favourite music, familiar voices, or tactile stimulation that are offered one modality at a time.

(Adapted from RCP 2020, Section 2, 2.8, p. 68)

Note: Despite the lack of formal research evidence to support coma stimulation programs, controlled stimulation provides the best opportunity to observe responses.

Last Updated June 2023



Individuals with traumatic brain injury who present with a disorder of consciousness should have a graded program to increase tolerance for sitting and standing, maintain orthostatic tolerance, provide some stimulus for arousal, and possibly help maintain postural reflexes, bowel and bladder function, muscle bulk, skin and bone health. 

Last Updated June 2023




A trial of Zolpidem can be considered to promote recovery of consciousness among persons with prolonged disorders of consciousness post traumatic brain injury.

Note: This recommendation is based on the results of observational studies.


  • Du et al. (2014) 
  • Oommen et al. (2019)
  • Zhang et al. (2021)

Last Updated June 2023




A trial of Amantadine can be considered to promote recovery of consciousness during the subacute phase post traumatic brain injury.


  • Giacino (2012) NEJM

Last Updated June 2023




There is insufficient evidence to recommend any of the following interventions to promote recovery of consciousness post traumatic brain injury:

  • Atorvastatin
  • Citicoline
  • Intrathecal baclofen
  • Lorazepam
  • Methylphenidate 
  • Modafinil
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin D

Last Updated June 2023




There is insufficient evidence to recommend any of the following interventions to promote recovery of consciousness post traumatic brain injury: 

  • Acupuncture
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO)
  • Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic
  • Stimulation (rTMS)
  • Tilt table
  • Transcranial extracorporeal shockwave therapy
  • Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
  • Transcutaneous median nerve stimulation
  • Transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation 

Last Updated June 2023