R. Neurobehaviour and Mental Health

Mental health and mental disorders post-TBI can represent a challenging area of rehabilitation. As many of the behaviours and disorders discussed above are internalizing, it is important to always screen for depression, anxiety, or other maladaptive behaviours after an TBI. Once a negative pattern or behaviour has been identified, a treatment plan can be developed in collaboration with the rest of the care team. With rates of suicidal ideation being high among the TBI population, it is critical to be aware and sensitive to the psychological needs of those with an TBI.

Many maladaptive behaviours discussed above have pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions available to choose from, and each patient should be consulted on their preference when appropriate. Many pharmacological agents and non-pharmacological interventions have evidence supporting their efficacy and use and should be explored as options with the care team. It is also essential to keep in mind the stigma that exists around mental health and to approach the topic with compassion and understanding.

Mood is an internal subjective state, but it is often inferred from how we behave and express ourselves. Following TBI, individuals may suffer from mood disorders such as major depression and anxiety disorders. Challenging behaviours such as agitation and aggression, as well as addictive behaviours such as substance abuse, may also become a significant problem post-TBI. These mental health issues are associated with the worsening of other TBI sequela and poorer outcomes. Among 361 individuals with severe TBI, that the most prevalent issues were major substance abuse or dependence (34%) and depression (11.1%).

Staff and clinicians should be trained in behavioural assessment and treatment techniques and Staff and clinicians should be trained in behavioural assessment and treatment techniques and understand the benefits and limitations. It is important that ethics of consent and capacity be respected and that the behavioural plan is explained to the individuals with brain injury, their families, and caregivers. Specialized clinicians should be provided with specific training and access to brain injury rehabilitation teams on a timely basis to ensure patient and staff safety. In an emergency situation, staff should be trained in nonviolent crisis intervention, and it may be necessary to use stronger sedative medications; however, these should be limited. The use of screening tools for depression and anxiety may increase recognition of these important complications. There should be a robust patient and family education program regarding managing behaviour.

Indicators exemples

  • Proportion of individuals with TBI who are screened for depression using a standardized tool monthly. 
  • Proportion of individuals with TBI and depressive symptoms undergoing mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.

The following are suggestions of tools and resources that can be used to support the implementation of the recommendations in this section. Healthcare professionals must respect the legal and normative regulations of the regulatory bodies, in particular with regards to scopes of practice and restricted/protected activities, as these may differ provincially

Clinical Tools:Patient and Family Resources:Other Resources:

Depression and anxiety post-TBI are associated with an individual’s feeling tired, helpless, hopeless, socially withdrawn, and having difficulty concentrating. These disorders often arise once the implications of the injury become apparent, which may be a reaction to the injury or the result of the neurological changes that have taken place. For some, depression and anxiety will develop within months of the injury, but for others, it will be a few years before clinical symptoms are diagnosed (Deb et al., 1999). Pharmacotherapy, counselling, and exercise have demonstrated some efficacy in treating depression and anxiety post-TBI. Depression is the most common psychiatric condition following TBI, with incidence rates higher than the general population (Gould et al., 2011; Osborn et al., 2014; Osborn et al., 2018; Ouellet et al., 2018; Singh et al., 2018). Often, depression presents within the first year post-TBI (Alway et al., 2016; Scholten et al., 2016). In patients one-year post TBI reports of prevalence are variable, ranging from 13% to 61% (Alway et al., 2016; Fleminger et al., 2003; Gordon et al., 1998; Grauwmeijer et al., 2018; Osborn et al., 2014; Sigurdardottir et al., 2013). Accurate estimations of prevalence are challenging given mixed populations, risk factors that are not completely understood, and variable methods of diagnosis (Osborn et al., 2018). A meta-analysis conducted by Osborn et al. (2014) reported that 21% to 43% of individuals have depression within the first five years of TBI, which then stabilizes to approximately 22% after five years. A systematic review and meta-analysis by Scholten et al. (2016) reported pooled prevalence rates in TBI patients increased over time with long-term rates of depression estimated at 43%. Another meta-analysis by Osborn et al. (2018) estimated rates at 30%. However, these reviews, along with the majority of the literature, are specific to TBI, and reports rates of depression in populations of mixed injury severity. In two long-term prospective cohorts of patient with moderate to severe TBI, rates of depression were 4-6 times higher than the general population (Alway et al., 2016) and prevalence was 20% 10 years after TBI (Grauwmeijer et al., 2018). Overall, the risk for depression is high post TBI, and unlike many mood disorders, remains this way for years following injury (Alway et al., 2016; Grauwmeijer et al., 2018; Hoffman et al., 2010; Ponsford et al., 2018; Scholten et al., 2016). Moderate and high intensity aerobic exercise programs have been found to improve anxiety, tension, depression, anger, confusion, and psychological stress in individuals with TBI (Rzezak et al., 2015; Weinstein et al., 2017). Further, in a pre-post study by Damiano and colleagues (2016), participants completed a home-based, aerobic exercise program for 5 days/week over 8 weeks. Training included exercise of moderate intensity for 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. Measures were assessed at baseline, 8 weeks, and 16 weeks. Moderate intensity aerobic exercise program was noted to improve depression as a result of improved sleep quality in individuals with TBI.  

Following TBI, depression can be treated pharmacologically. Among these interventions are various antidepressants: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as paroxetine, fluoxetine, sertraline, or citalopram; serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors such as duloxetine, milnacipran, and venlafaxine; and tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline and nortriptyline (Waldron-Perrine et al., 2008). Anticonvulsants such as carbamazepine have also been used to treat depression post-TBI. A single, small crossover randomized control trial (RCT) found that desipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant, was effective in treating chronic depression (Wroblewski et al., 1996). One RCT randomized participants to a sertraline, methylphenidate, or placebo group (Lee et al., 2005). All participants improved on measures of depression; however, the study results indicated that those assigned to the sertraline and methylphenidate groups had significantly lower depression scores than the placebo group at the end of the study (Lee et al., 2005). As well, fewer adverse events were reported for individuals receiving methylphenidate than those receiving sertraline. Fann and colleagues (2017) randomized participants to receive sertraline (treatment group) starting at a dose of 25mg/d, increasing to a therapeutic dose (200mg/d) or placebo (control group) for 12 weeks. No significant differences on measures of depression were observed between groups (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Symptom Checklist-20). A pair-wise meta-analysis conducted by Cheng et al. (2021) demonstrated that only methylphenidate and sertraline showed treatment efficacies superior to those of placebo or control. Further, a systematic review of TBI RCTs for depression conducted by Beedham et al. (2020) found that methylphenidate resulted in a significant reduction in depression severity from pre to post-intervention. At post-intervention, depression severity was significantly lower following methylphenidate treatment compared to control. Fann et al., 2017 conducted a randomized controlled trial investigating sertraline (200mg/d for 12wk) vs. placebo. No significant differences on measures of depression were observed between groups (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Symptom Checklist-20). There is level 1b evidence that sertraline does not significantly improve depression in individuals with TBI.

Management of Mood and Depression. Aerobic exercise programs have been shown to improve anxiety, anger, confusion, psychological distress, mood, depression and sleep quality (Rzezak et al., 2015; Damiano et al., 2016; Weinstein et al., 2017). 

Rzezak et al. (2015) found that an aerobic exercise program (one session of moderate intensity, one session of high intensity exercise) may improve anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory), tension (Brunnel Mood Scale), depression (Brunnel Mood Scale), anger (Brunnel Mood Scale), confusion (Brunnel Mood Scale) and psychological distress (Subject Exercise Experience Scale). Weinstein and colleagues (2017) (Pre-Post, N=10, TPI=chronic) found an aerobic exercise program (high intensity exercise 3d/wk) significantly improved mood (Profile of Mood States). Further, Damiano et al. (2016) found that an aerobic exercise program (moderate intensity exercise on elliptical 5d/wk) improved sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) and was correlated with a decrease in depression.  

Cognitive Status & Cognitive Communication Challenges. Feiger et al. (2023) conducted a retrospective record review of 172 adults who received rehabilitation services for TBI to examine if the impact of performance across multiple cognitive domains would predict psychosocial adjustment difficulties at discharge. The mean length of the rehabilitation program was 88.76d. Outcomes were assessed at admission and discharge from the program. Psychosocial adjustment impairment significantly reduced from admission to discharge (p<.001).  Cognitive functioning at admission was associated with significantly greater impairment in psychosocial adjustment at discharge (p=.03). Togher et al. (2023) conducted a prospective longitudinal cohort study that examined predictive factors underlying communication and psychosocial outcomes at 3 months, 6 months and 2 years. Psychosocial outcomes at 2 years were significantly predicted by pre-injury/injury variables (p=.013), 3-mo variables (p=0.013), and 6-mo variables (p=0.006). Longer PTA duration was associated with reduced psychosocial outcome, as measured by Sydney Psychosocial Reintegration Scale-2 (SPRS-2) (p=0.005). The information processing speed/memory (p=0.000) and aphasia (p=0.013) were moderately correlated with psychosocial outcomes at 2 years. Aphasia was moderately correlated with psychosocial outcomes (p=0.001) at 6 months. 

Positive Behavior Support Intervention. In a randomized controlled trial conducted by Ponsford et al. (2022), participants were randomly allocated to either a 12-month Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) intervention or Waitlist treatment group. The intervention consisted of initial meeting, GAS/goal setting, PBS+PLUS sessions, and occasionally included other therapists, and focused on approaches to achieve goals. Participants had to receive at least 6 sessions over a 3-month period. Therapists included: 4 neuropsychologists, 2 occupational therapists, 2 speech pathologists, 2 dual-trained. On the Over Behavior Scale (OBS), the Intervention group showed a significant reduction in challenging behaviour (p<.05) over a 12-month intervention. The waitlist group showed a similar improvement on the OBS over the 12-month waitlist period. PBS+PLUS intervention resulted in significantly greater gains in close others' confidence in addressing challenging behaviors on the Challenging Behaviour Self-Efficacy Scale (CBSES), relative to those in the waitlist group who showed no gains (p=.000 to .03). Findings indicated that PBS+PLUS can result in significant and sustained reductions in challenging behaviour in individuals with severe ABI. 

Psychotherapy and Art Therapy. Di Vita (2022) investigated the efficacy of group Psychotherapy and Art Therapy in rebuilding self-identity after traumatic brain injury (TBI), assessing their effects on psychological aspects in twelve patients with severe TBI. Participants were allocated to either Psychotherapy or Art Therapy and were subsequently exposed to the alternate intervention. The intervention duration was 1.5hrx4mo. Subjective Well-Being subscale scores in the PsyArt (Psychotherapy then Art Therapy) group were significantly higher those in the ArtPsy (Art Therapy then Psychotherapy) group (p<.05). Significant difference recorded in Positive Refraining subscale score in Brief-COPE after the first treatment (p<.05). At the end of both treatments, patients showed a reduction in depressive symptoms and in the perception of physical problems. 

Exercise Intervention (Dance-based). Sarkamo et al. (2021) conducted a randomized controlled trial to assess the feasibility and preliminary effects of a novel dance-based intervention called Dual-Assisted Dance Rehabilitation (DARE). Participants were randomized to either the AB or BA group. The AB group received the dance intervention during the first 3-mo phase while the BA group received the intervention during the second 3-mo phase. The intervention duration was 60min a day, 2 sessions per week for 12 weeks. Scores on the depression measure (BDI-II) significantly improved as a result of the dance intervention (p=.002). There was a consistent, large effect size on the BDI-II (d=1.19-1.74) indicating overall improvement of mood. 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the primary psychotherapy for anxiety and depression in the general population (Butler et al., 2006). CBT focuses on teaching cognitive skills, such as challenging unhelpful thoughts, and behavioural skills, such as coping, relaxation, graded exposure, and activity scheduling. Two trials delivered CBT either in a group or by telephone (Bradbury et al., 2008; Fann et al., 2015), and one trial combined CBT with motivational interviewing or non-directive counselling (Ponsford et al., 2016). In the first trial, the authors reported significantly greater reductions in depression, anxiety, stress, and psychological impairment with CBT than control for up to six months after treatment (Arundine et al., 2012; Bradbury et al., 2008). As well, the authors found no significant differences between group CBT and telephone CBT in terms of efficacy. In the second trial, CBT did not demonstrate significant reductions in depression when compared to controls, whether in person, by phone, or combined (Fann et al., 2015). The telephone CBT significantly reduced psychological impairment relative to the control, but in-person CBT and combined CBT were not superior. Patients’ subjective response to telephone CBT and combined CBT were more favourable than the control, and all forms of CBT had greater levels of satisfaction with depression care than the control. In the third trial, CBT demonstrated significant reductions in depression compared to the control when combined with motivational interviewing, but not non-directive counselling; there were no significant differences between the CBT groups (Ponsford et al., 2016). The authors also noted that participants with greater baseline depression had a significantly greater response to CBT. Brenner et al., 2017 conducted a small-group CBT randomized controlled trial (2 hours/week for 10 weeks) focused on alleviating hopelessness versus waitlist control. CBT significantly improved hopelessness (Beck Hopelessness Scale) when compared to waitlist controls. Supportive psychotherapy was compared to CBT in one RCT and only included patients diagnosed with depression following ABI (Ashman et al., 2014). Overall depression scores decreased from baseline following treatment. However, there were no significant differences in effectiveness between the two treatments (Ashman et al., 2014). Further, in a systematic review conducted by Cheng and colleagues (2021), pair-wise meta-analysis showed that the efficacies of CBT, mindfulness-based CBT, telephone supportive psychotherapy and telephonic counselling were significantly better than usual care (SMD –0.45, 95% CI –0.85 to –0.06; SMD –0.52, 95% CI –0.98 to –0.06; SMD –0.73, 95% CI –1.11 to –0.35; and SMD –0.27, 95% CI –0.50 to –0.03, respectively). 

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is a program that incorporates mindful meditation, body awareness, and yoga to promote relaxation and stress management (Shapiro et al., 1998). It has been evaluated as a potential intervention for depression in individuals with ABI. Bedard (2014) investigated a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program with aspects of cognitive behavioural therapy for patients with diagnosed depression, in comparison with usual care. The program consisted of 10 weeks of therapy designed to encourage new ways of thinking about life and disability. The authors found that the intervention group showed a significantly greater reduction on the Beck Depression Inventory, but not on the Patient Health Questionnaire, compared to the control group; these findings were maintained at follow-up. Combs et al. (2018) conducted a pre-post study examining the impact MBSR had on the beliefs of patients with a history of TBI. Patients were more likely to believe MBSR could benefit physical health, focus, self-awareness and overall health with the more sessions they attended. However, the only belief that was significantly changed pre to post-MBSR program was patient’s beliefs of the benefit of MBSR could have on sleep. 

Suicidal ideation and attempts are also more frequent among the TBI population. Suicidal ideations are the thoughts or considerations of suicide that when left unattended can lead to distress and attempted suicide. Risk factors for suicide overlap with characteristics present after a TBI which explains, in part, why there is an increased risk of suicide following a TBI (Ahmedani et al., 2017; Bahraini et al., 2013; Simpson & Tate, 2007). Unfortunately, the risk for suicidal ideation and attempt remains high even 20 years post-injury (Fisher et al., 2016). 

Rates of suicidal ideation (23-28%) (Mackelprang et al., 2014; Simpson & Tate, 2002; Tsaousides et al., 2011) and attempts (26%) (Simpson & Tate, 2005) are high post-TBI, but can be further augmented through the presence of emotional disturbance and substance abuse (Simpson & Tate, 2005). Males are more likely to have suicidal ideation compared to females (Wisco et al., 2014), while age at time of injury was not associated with suicidal ideation (Mackelprang et al., 2014; Simpson & Tate, 2002). 

Within other TBI populations, 23-28% of individuals report suicidal ideation post-injury (Mackelprang et al., 2014; Simpson & Tate, 2002; Tsaousides et al., 2011). The risk of suicidal ideation can be further augmented with a comorbid diagnosis of depression, anxiety, or PTSD (Tsaousides et al., 2011) and the number of sustained TBIs (Shura et al., 2018; Wisco et al., 2014). Furthermore, elevated suicidal ideation at one-year post-TBI is associated with continual elevation of ideation at five years (Fisher et al., 2016), demonstrating the necessity for therapies targeting such ideations. 

If suicide ideation is not minimized, the risk of suicide attempts is high (Simpson & Tate, 2007) and is further increased when emotional distress is present (Gutierrez et al., 2008; Simpson & Tate, 2002). Within their lifetime, 26% of individuals post-TBI attempt suicide, with half of these individuals making more than one attempt (Simpson & Tate, 2002, 2005). Moreover, emotional disturbance and substance abuse history increase the risk for attempted suicide by a factor of 21, compared to individuals with no history (Simpson & Tate, 2005). 

Counseling is a typical intervention for suicide prevention. The prevalence of suicide is much greater than the general population. A large retrospective cohort estimated an incidence rate ratio of 2.38 in patients with severe TBI compared to controls (Madsen et al., 2018). 

Behaviour can be defined as any interaction between an organism and their environment. Behavioural issues are often defined as antisocial, uncooperative, or negative interactions associated with interpersonal problems. Challenging behaviour following TBI occurs with a relatively high frequency (25-50%) (Baguley et al., 2006). Challenging behaviours include agitation, anger, aggression, non-compliance with treatment, and difficulties with emotional regulation. The emergence of these behaviours likely arises from injury to the frontal lobes, resulting in disinhibited behaviour and lack of recognition of the associated consequences. Individuals found to have poorer social functioning often engage in a variety of aggressive or agitated behaviours including refusing participation, hitting, kicking, throwing objects, verbal abuse, and self-harm (McNett et al., 2012; Rao et al., 2009). Behavioural management and pharmacological treatment are often used to address these challenges, each with varying levels of success.

Sleep Disturbances. Miles et al. (2021) conducted a prospective longitudinal cohort of TBI individuals enrolled in the VA TBI Model Systems (TBIMS) National Database. All participants received inpatient rehabilitation. This longitudinal study lasted 5yr and examined co-occurring sleep apnea and probable PTSD. Sleep apnea was a significant predictor (p<0.001) of PTSD severity. Other statistically significant predictors of PTSD severity include increasing number of TBIs, receiving mental health treatment in the past year, ever deploying to a combat zone, and years since TBI.  The 5-years post-TBI sensitivity sample had the largest percentage of the sample that met criteria for both sleep apnea and PTSD (42%).  

Addictive behaviours can be a serious problem for some individuals post TBI. In TBI populations, pre-injury substance use disorders are more common than the general population (Alway et al., 2016; Hibbard et al., 1998). Pre-injury substance use is a significant predictor of abuse after TBI (Alway et al., 2016). Alcohol abuse has also been linked to major depression both before (Dikmen et al., 2004; Seel et al., 2010) and after injury (Jorge, 2005), although it remains unclear as to which problem evolved first. Studies differ in the criteria used to determine if an individual has an issue with addiction, dependence, or abuse. Studies that only include subjects with a positive Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) at the time of admission will report an inflated incidence compared to patient-reported substance use disorders. Additionally, prevalence rates are variable between populations. Rates of pre-injury alcohol abuse in Australian and North American populations have been recorded at 20-40%, whereas rates in Finland are reported at 8%, which likely reflects cultural differences in alcohol consumption (Alway et al., 2016; Gould et al., 2011; Hibbard et al., 1998; Koponen et al., 2002).

Among those who sustain their injury in a motor vehicle collision, which is one of the leading causes of TBI, almost half were found to be intoxicated (DeLambo et al., 2008; Wehman et al., 2000; West et al., 2009). Studies suggest that alcohol and substance abuse decline within the first year of injury (Bombardier et al., 2003; Jorge, 2005; Kelly et al., 1997; Ponsford et al., 2007), but those who returned to drinking two years post injury are likely to consume more than before the injury (Bombardier et al., 2002; Ponsford et al., 2007). In fact, individuals who abused alcohol pre-injury were ten times more likely to demonstrate problematic alcohol use post injury (Bombardier et al., 2003). Individuals who drink excessively and have large negative consequences associated with their drinking are more likely to report alcohol as the cause of their TBI and are more likely to report pre-injury substance abuse (Turner et al., 2003). Moreover, the correlation between mood disorders and substance abuse has also been shown to be quite strong both before and after injury (Jorge, 2005). Recovery following TBI will likely be negatively impacted if individuals continue to abuse alcohol or other substances. Many of these individuals have been found to spend more time in rehabilitation programs due to accentuated deficits of sensory, motor, cognitive, and communication functions (Wehman et al., 2000). As well, continued abuse of alcohol and other substances increases the risk of developing medical complications (Salim et al., 2009a). Involvement in rehabilitation deters or prevents individuals from using various substances, as patients are monitored rather closely (Bjork & Grant, 2009). However, once patients are discharged from inpatient rehabilitation, no monitoring exists and patients may return to their previous behaviours as a coping strategy. Addictions to alcohol and other substance may lead to a failure to survive independently in the community (Burke et al., 1988). 

During acute recovery, high BAC was found to be predictive of poorer performance on a variety of neuropsychological measures, including orientation, concentration, reasoning, and memory (Bombardier & Thurber, 1998; Kelly et al., 1997; Tate et al., 1999; Wilde et al., 2004). Wilde and colleagues (2004) also noted that high BAC was associated with increased brain atrophy post injury. In terms of long-term recovery, the impact of BAC and substance abuse is unclear. One study reported that acute BAC was not associated with outcome on the Glasgow Outcome Scale up to one-year post injury (Alexander et al., 2004). Another study found that acute BAC was correlated with Functional Independence Measure (FIM) score upon admission to rehabilitation, but not with FIM at discharge or one year post injury (Schutte & Hanks, 2010). The authors also reported that acute BAC was not predictive of long-term cognitive outcomes as well (Schutte & Hanks, 2010). Comparatively, a smaller study found that many cognitive measures were negatively impacted by hazardous drinking both before and after injury (Ponsford et al., 2013). Vickery and colleagues (2008) demonstrated that acute BAC and a history of hazardous drinking were associated with outcome on the Disability Rating Scale (DRS) but not the FIM. Interestingly, while high acute BAC was associated with lower score on the DRS, a history of hazardous drinking was associated with a higher score (Vickery et al., 2008). 

Several programs have been proposed and developed in order to reduce substance abuse in the TBI population. In a systematic review, Corrigan and colleagues (2010) identified 28 studies of screening and/or interventions for substance abuse, but noted that most research specifically excluded participants with severe TBI. The authors suggested that researchers and clinicians should address barriers to routine use of screening and interventions, as well as develop systematic accommodations for individuals with neurobehavioural impairments post injury. 

Affective symptoms such as depression and anxiety along with aggression, agitation, and addictive behaviours appear to be important determinants of functional and quality of life outcomes. They frequently cause significant distress for individuals with TBI and their family members and may result in diminished access to services. This module will review the available evidence for both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for each. Issues regarding the use of restraints will also be discussed.

Agitation and aggression occur in approximately 33% to 70% of patients with TBI (Janzen et al., 2014; Nott et al., 2006; Sabaz et al., 2014; Singh et al., 2014). Agitation is generally defined as restlessness, impulsiveness, edginess, distractibility, wandering, and/or non-compliance, while aggression is defined as physical or verbal violence that may put the individual and others at risk for injury (Eisenberg et al., 2009). These behaviours have been associated with several clinical factors in individuals with TBI, including younger age (Baguley et al., 2006; Jean-Bay, 2000; Wolffbrandt et al., 2013), frontal lobe lesions (Tateno et al., 2003; Warriner & Velikonja, 2006), premorbid major depression (Baguley et al., 2006; Bakchine et al., 1989; Jean-Bay, 2000; Kim & Humaran, 2002; Sabaz et al., 2014; Tateno et al., 2003), and premorbid substance abuse (Sabaz et al., 2014; Tateno et al., 2003). During rehabilitation, the severity and duration of these challenging behaviours can have a negative impact on functional outcomes (Jean-Bay, 2000; Singh et al., 2014). 

Agitation is often a recovery-limiting factor, as it creates both a disruptive and unsafe environment for rehabilitation (Rosati, 2002). An ideal medication should have “a rapid onset of action, achieve maximal effect with a single dose, cause minimal adverse effects, and allow the patient to resume normal daily activities as quickly as possible without causing protracted sedation or cognitive impairments” (Stanislav & Childs, 2000). 

Pharmacological interventions used to treat agitation include a variety of medications such as: antidepressants, stimulants, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and beta-blockers. Ideally, the safety and efficacy of pharmacological interventions for agitation and aggression would be studied using a RCT design (Levy et al., 2005; Williamson et al., 2018). Two RCTs compared the effects of amantadine and placebo on irritability and aggression post TBI. Hammond and colleagues (2014) found that the frequency and severity of irritability were reduced when individuals received amantadine for 28 days compared to placebo. However, amantadine only significantly reduced aggression in individuals who had moderate to severe aggression at baseline (Hammond et al., 2014). A subsequent trial by Hammond and colleagues (2015) found that amantadine produced a non-significant reduction in irritability compared to placebo at 28 and 60 days, according to the most problematic and aberrant items on the neuropsychiatric inventory (Hammond et al., 2015). Deb and colleagues (2020) found that use of risperidone (1mg 1x/d, increased as needed up to 4mg/d) decreased verbal and physical aggression at 12 weeks. 

A systematic review by Williamson et al. (2018) examined controlled trials of pharmacological interventions for agitated behaviours in patients with mixed severity of TBI. The authors concluded that propranolol, methylphenidate, valproic acid and olanzapine may offer some benefit, where as sertraline, lisdexamfetamine and dextroamphetamine were not supported. Additionally, antipsychotics could increase the length of post traumatic amnesia and decrease cognitive function. Another systematic review that included case-series and case-report studies also reported weak support for the use of propranolol and antiepileptics (Nash et al., 2018). The review by Nash et al. (2018) concluded amantadine was among the best supported medication in acute management of behavioral and emotional dysregulation. Williamson et al. (2018) reported mixed findings for the use of amantadine and cautioned that it may increase agitation in acutely ill patients. In a systematic review published by Rahmani and colleagues (2021) on agitation and aggression in TBI, the authors recommended benzodiazepines and typical antipsychotics (specifically haloperidol) should be avoided if possible, atypical antipsychotics (such as olanzapine) can be considered as practical alternatives, and amantadine (especially in the context of chronic TBI) and propranolol (particularly in the context of acute TBI) is recommended.

Use of Technologies to Delivery Rehabilitation. Borgen et al. (2023) evaluated the effect of a home-based, individualized, and goal-oriented rehabilitation intervention in the chronic phase of TBI. Participants were randomly allocated to either an individually tailored, goal-based, home rehabilitation intervention or a control group receiving usual care. This intervention used videoconference and phone calls to set SMART goals, lasting 8 sessions for 4 months. Psychoeducational topics were addressed, including cognitive impairment after TBI, stress management and mindfulness, and cognitive communication difficulties. There were no significant differences between groups for health-related quality of life or social participation. At 12 months, participants in the intervention group had significantly better scores for health related quality of life (p=.04), lower TBI symptoms (p=.04), and anxiety symptoms (p=.02). Findings from this study indicated that a home-based, individually tailored goal-oriented rehabilitation intervention improved individual’s quality of life, as well as TBI-related and anxiety-related symptoms.  


Ahmedani, B. K., Peterson, E. L., Hu, Y., Rossom, R. C., Lynch, F., Lu, C. Y., Waitzfelder, B. E., Owen-Smith, A. A., Hubley, S., Prabhakar, D., Williams, L. K., Zeld, N., Mutter, E., Beck, A., Tolsma, D., & Simon, G. E. (2017). Major physical health conditions and risk of suicide. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 53(3), 308-315. 

Alashram, A. R., Annino, G., Padua, E., Romagnoli, C., & Mercuri, N. B. (2019). Cognitive rehabilitation post traumatic brain injury: a systematic review for emerging use of virtual reality technology. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 66, 209-219. 

Alexander, S., Kerr, M. E., Yonas, H., & Marion, D. W. (2004). The effects of admission alcohol level on cerebral blood flow and outcomes after severe traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 21(5), 575-583.  

Alway, Y., Gould, K. R., Johnston, L., McKenzie, D., & Ponsford, J. (2016). A prospective examination of Axis I psychiatric disorders in the first 5 years following moderate to severe traumatic Brain Injury. Psychol Med, 46(6), 1331-1341. 

Arundine, A., Bradbury, C. L., Dupuis, K., Dawson, D. R., Ruttan, L. A., & Green, R. E. A. (2012). Cognitive behavior therapy after acquired Brain Injury: Maintenance of therapeutic benefits at 6 months posttreatment. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 27(2), 104-112.  

Ashman, T., Cantor, J. B., Tsaousides, T., Spielman, L., & Gordon, W. (2014). Comparison of cognitive behavioral therapy and supportive psychotherapy for the treatment of depression following traumatic Brain Injury: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 29(6), 467-478.  

Baguley, I. J., Cooper, J., & Felmingham, K. (2006). Aggressive behavior following traumatic Brain Injury: How common is common? Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 21(1), 45-56.  

Bahraini, N. H., Simpson, G. K., Brenner, L. A., Hoffberg, A. S., & Schneider, A. L. (2013). Suicidal ideation and behaviours after traumatic Brain Injury: A systematic review. Brain Impairment, 14(1), 92- 112. 

Bedard, M., Felteau, M., Marshall, S., Cullen, N., Gibbons, C., Dubois, S., Maxwell, H., Mazmanian, D., Weaver, B., Rees, L., Gainer, R., Klein, R., & Moustgaard, A. (2014). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy reduces symptoms of depression in people with a traumatic Brain Injury: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 29(4), E13-E22. 

Beedham, W., Belli, A., Ingaralingam, S., Haque, S., & Upthegrove, R. (2020). The management of depression following traumatic brain injury: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Brain injury, 34(10), 1287-1304.

Bhatnagar, S., Iaccarino, M. A., & Zafonte, R. (2016). Pharmacotherapy in rehabilitation of post-acute traumatic brain injury. Brain research, 1640, 164-179.

Bjork, J. M., & Grant, S. J. (2009). Does traumatic Brain Injury increase risk for substance abuse? Journal of Neurotrauma, 26(7), 1077-1082. 

Bombardier, C. H., & Thurber, C. A. (1998). Blood alcohol level and early cognitive status after traumatic Brain Injury. Brain Injury, 12(9), 725-734. 

Bombardier, C. H., Temkin, N. R., Machamer, J., & Dikmen, S. S. (2003). The natural history of drinking and alcohol-related problems after traumatic Brain Injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 84(2), 185-191. 

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New Level of Evidence







During the subacute phase of traumatic brain injury, if the neurobehavioural status of the individual is deteriorating or not progressing as expected, an assessment by a licensed specialist should be made to differentiate neurobehavioural difficulties from the effects of comorbid medical or mental health conditions, medication effects, or any other factor that may directly impact neurobehavioural status.

(Adapted from INCOG 2014, Assess 7, p. 298)

Note: Comorbid conditions may include seizures, metabolic/endocrine disorders, pain, mood and anxiety disorders, substance use or medication effects, as well as issues related to attention, hearing, or communication impairment. 

Consultation from registered health professionals to evaluate the potential contribution of other comorbid, medical or mental health conditions and to provide recommendations for further assessment or intervention is needed.

Last Updated November 2023




In general, an assessment of neurobehavioural issues following traumatic brain injury must consider pre-injury vulnerability factors, injury-related factors and postinjury factors. 

(Adapted from INCOG 2014, Assess 6, p.297)


Influence of Cultural Background and Sex/Gender:

A patient’s cultural background and sex/gender can impact symptom reporting, perception of symptoms, coping mechanisms, and recovery.  

Pre-injury vulnerability factors include:

Prior medical/neurological conditions, mental health disorders, substance use disorders, temperamental/personality factors, cognitive/intellectual ability, communication, academic/vocational function, psychosocial circumstances, vulnerabilities based on family history, genetic vulnerability.

Injury-related factors include:

Nature of injury (i.e., severity, focal vs. diffuse), cerebral involvement, anatomic injury location, extent of secondary injury, co-occurring extracranial injury.

Post-injury factors include:

Psychological response/coping style, cognitive communication and aphasia, social/economic changes, new-onset mental health disorders, medical conditions (such as seizures, sensorimotor changes, endocrine dysfunction, pain, sleep/wake disturbance), medication effects, psychosocial circumstances (e.g., changes in family support or caregiver burden). 


  • Miles et al. (2021)
  • Feiger et al. (2023)
  • Togher et al. (2023)

Last Updated January 2025



Clinicians should carefully define and characterize the presenting neurobehavioural issue through a combination of diagnostic interviews (including close relatives and the health care team) and direct observation of the person with traumatic brain injury as assessment should include the perspectives of the individual, as well as care providers and family members. 

Last Updated November 2023




Any behavioural management plan for individuals with traumatic brain injury must include a consideration of the precipitating factors or triggers possibly leading to the behaviour and reinforcing events. 

(Adapted from ABIKUS 2007, G24, p. 20)

Last Updated November 2023




Individuals who have sustained a traumatic brain injury after a known or suspected incident of self-harm or a suicide attempt should have a safety risk assessment and be referred for psychological assessment and treatment as appropriate. Safety risk assessment should be performed throughout the continuum as individuals with brain injury are also at an increased risk for suicide.

(Adapted from NZGG 2006, 3.11, p. 66)

Last Updated November 2023



For individuals with significant behavioural problems that interfere with daily functions following traumatic brain injury, the interdisciplinary team should develop an integrated approach to manage behaviour and refer individuals to a behavioural management specialist when necessary and where available. 

At any point throughout the continuum of care, access to specialized behavioural management services and interventions to assist in the management of their behavioural difficulties, including substance use should be provided. 

(Adapted from ABIKUS 2007, G19, p. 19)


  • Ponsford et al. (2022)

Last Updated November 2023



Clinicians should consider telerehabilitation, virtual reality programmes, and in-person primary care visits to provide timely and equitable access to care for individuals with traumatic brain injury. 

Note: Telerehabilitation delivers rehabilitation care and services (including assessment, diagnosis, goal setting, therapy, education and monitoring) using various technologies, including telephone and internet-based videoconferencing. 


  • Ownsworth et al. (2018) 
  • Alashram et al. (2019) 
  • Manivannan et al. (2019)  
  • Borgen et al. (2023)

Last Updated November 2023



All organizations that provide neurobehavioural services for individuals with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury should conduct regular audits of adherence to the Canadian TBI Guideline to support the best possible outcome for individuals. 

Last Updated November 2023



When creating care plans for individuals with comorbid neurobehavioural and cognitive deficits, all clinical staff should be informed and trained to provide consistent and specific strategies for communicating the patient care plan, patient and staff safety, and prevention and management of behavioural problems in the presence of these comorbid deficits. 

Last Updated November 2023



Individuals with traumatic brain injury can benefit significantly from receiving multiple modalities of therapy in combination, such as in-person, group, online, and patient education. These may be administered by various members of an interdisciplinary team.

Last Updated November 2023



Family, caregivers, and healthcare professionals should be provided with education and training on management strategies for persistent inappropriate sexual behaviour following traumatic brain injury and how to avoid inadvertently reinforcing this behaviour. 

(Adapted from NZGG 2006, 6.5, p. 113)

Last Updated November 2023




Individuals with traumatic brain injury should be screened regularly for disturbances of mood using an appropriate screening tool. Screening tools should not be used as the sole indication for diagnosis or initiation of treatment. Diagnosis should always involve a full assessment and the clinical judgment of a specialist experienced in assessing/treating individuals with traumatic brain injury and mental health issues. 

(Adapted from ABIKUS 2007, G72, p. 27)

Last Updated November 2023




Individuals with traumatic brain injury who have been diagnosed with a depressive disorder should receive appropriate multimodal treatment, which can include:

  1. Psychotherapeutic and behavioural interventions, including mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and psychotherapy
  2. Lifestyle interventions, including exercise, diet, mindfulness meditation
  3. Pharmacological treatment (e.g., selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)) 

 (Adapted from ABIKUS 2007, G70, p. 27)


  • Rzezak et al. (2015) 
  • Damiano et al. (2016)
  • Weinstein et al. (2017)
  • Sarkamo et al. (2021)
  • Di Vita (2022) 

Last Updated November 2023




Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy adapted for individuals with traumatic brain injury should be considered for individuals with depressive symptoms. 


Last Updated November 2023



Teaching coping skills in groups should be considered for individuals with traumatic brain injury who are aware of their difficulties to reduce depressive symptoms and support wellness. 


Last Updated November 2023




Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), adapted for individuals with traumatic brain injury, should be considered for individuals with depressive symptoms. CBT can be offered in individual, group, modified videoconference and telephone-based formats.


  • Bradbury et al. (2008)
  • Arundine et al. (2012) 
  • Ashman et al. (2014)  
  • Fann et al. (2015)
  • Ponsford et al. (2016)
  • Brenner et al. (2017)

Last Updated November 2023




Given their favourable side-effect profile, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are recommended as a first-line treatment for depression following traumatic brain injury (TBI). A limited body of evidence supports the efficacy of sertraline (starting at 25 mg; aiming for 50–200 mg/day), citalopram (starting at 10 mg; aiming for 20–40 mg/day) and escitalopram (starting at 10 mg; aiming for 20 mg/day.

Note: Depression after TBI is amenable to pharmacologic interventions and such treatment may alleviate not only the mood disturbance but also be of benefit for other symptoms. If selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been trialed and are not effective, or have produced unwanted side effects or drug interactions, the individual with TBI should be referred for review to a psychiatrist with expertise in treating individuals with TBI. There is some conflicting literature within this topic area. 

Suggested tool: Health Canada Indications of Use


Last Updated November 2023




Stimulants such as methylphenidate may be considered for depression after traumatic brain injury over the shorter term; they may also be used to augment a partial response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), especially in the setting of cognitive impairments, apathy, and/or fatigue.

Suggested tool: Health Canada Indications of Use


  • Beedham et al. (2020)
  • Lee et al. (2005)

Last Updated November 2023



Consider the use of serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors such as duloxetine, milnacipran, and venlafaxine as a second-line option for depression following traumatic brain injury.

Suggested tool: Health Canada Indications of Use

Last Updated November 2023



Consider use of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) including nortriptyline and desipramine as a third-line option for depression following traumatic brain injury, although possible reduced efficacy and a higher risk of side effects (e.g., seizures, sedation, anti-cholinergic effects) may limit their use.


  • Wroblewski et al. (1996)

Last Updated November 2023




Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) combined with motivational interviewing is one tool that may be used to reduce anxiety post traumatic brain injury.


Last Updated November 2023




Given their favourable tolerability and broad utility, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be considered for anxiety treatment of individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Note: There is a lack of research concerning medication treatment of anxiety disorders after TBI; however, much evidence exists supporting their treatment in the non-TBI population.

Suggested tool: Health Canada Indications of Use

Last Updated November 2023




The use of benzodiazepines as first-line therapy for anxiety in individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) is NOT recommended due to potential effects on arousal, cognition, and motor coordination. The potential for abuse/dependency associated with these agents is also of concern, given the elevated rates of pre-injury and comorbid substance use disorders observed among individuals with TBI. Nonetheless, short-term use of these agents may be helpful during periods of crisis or acute distress.


  • Waldron-Perrine et al. (2008)

Last Updated November 2023



The use of second-generation neuroleptics is recommended for the treatment of psychosis as they are associated with fewer extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) than first generation neuroleptics and exert their effects at sites other than the D2 receptor.

Note: First generation neuroleptics have also been associated with greater impact on neuronal recovery. The ongoing need for antipsychotic medications should be periodically reassessed, and ongoing monitoring of weight, metabolic parameters, and late-emerging extrapyramidal symptoms is required. As all neuroleptics lower the seizure threshold to varying degrees, an initial trial with an anticonvulsant should be considered when heightened risk of seizures is of substantial concern.

Last Updated November 2023 



For severe acute life-threatening agitation and aggression that threatens staff or patient safety, the use of neuroleptic medications or intramuscular benzodiazepine can be considered.

Suggested tool: Health Canada Indications of Use

Suggested tool: Algorithm for Agitation and Aggression

Last Updated November 2023



For severe agitation and aggression that threatens staff or patient safety, consider the use of oral neuroleptic medications (while taking into consideration the onset of action). Second generation neuroleptic medications like quetiapine, ziprasidone, olanzapine and risperidone are preferred as older agents may have more side effects though methotrimeprazine have been used with limited side effects. Medications should be reassessed/revaluated after a code white or agitation event. These medications are not recommended for long-term use and it is important for clinicians to reassess medications routinely.

If neuroleptics are needed, an electrocardiogram for baseline QTV measurement and electrolytes, lipid profile, and hemoglobin A1c should be monitored at the start of treatment and regularly thereafter.

Monitoring for the development of akathisia-which can be mistaken for delirium or primary TBI-related agitation, should be implemented.

Other acute extrapyramidal syndromes can be more common in patients with acquired brain injuries and should be monitored.

Suggested tool: Health Canada Indications of Use

Suggested tool: Algorithm for Agitation and Aggression


  • Bhatnagar et al. (2016)
  • Chew and Zafonte (2009)
  • Deb et al. (2020) 
  • Elovic et al. (2008)

Last Updated November 2023




Either propranolol or pindolol is recommended for the treatment of aggression after traumatic brain injury, particularly for individuals in post-traumatic amnesia (PTA). Studies have reported the efficacy of both propranolol (maximum dose 420–520 mg/day) and pindolol (maximum dose 40–100 mg/day) in the treatment of aggression in this population, if there are no medical contraindications. 


Last Updated November 2023



The use of valproate (500–2250 mg/day) and/or carbamazepine (200–1200 mg/day) to reach therapeutic range should be considered as an option for the treatment of aggression in individuals with traumatic brain injury, particularly those who have a concomitant seizure disorder.

Last Updated November 2023




The use of amantadine (100 mg twice/day) or methylphenidate (30 mg/day) can be considered for individuals with traumatic brain injury when impaired arousal and attention is suspected as a factor in agitation.


  • Hammond et al. (2014)
  • Hammond et al. (2015)

Last Updated November 2023



The use of sertraline may be considered as an option for the treatment of individuals with moderate agitation and irritability following traumatic brain injury. The use of other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be considered as an alternative if sertraline is not tolerated.

Suggested tool: Health Canada Indications of Use

Suggested tool: Algorithm for Agitation and Aggression


Last Updated November 2023



Tricyclic antidepressants may be considered as an alternative for the treatment of aggression following traumatic brain injury, particularly for those who have an associated sleep-wake disorder and/or headaches. When used, nortriptyline or desipramine are preferable based upon their tolerability.

Suggested tool: Health Canada Indications of Use

Suggested tool: Algorithm for Agitation and Aggression


  • Warden et al. (2006), p.1492

Last Updated November 2023



The use of first-generation neuroleptics and benzodiazepines to treat agitation or aggression in individuals with traumatic brain injury should be minimized, as these medications may slow recovery after brain injury and may have a negative effect on cognition.

Suggested tool: Health Canada Indications of Use

Suggested tool: Algorithm for Agitation and Aggression


Last Updated November 2023



The use of commonly used medications such as anticonvulsants, lithium and neuroleptics in the management of symptoms resembling bipolar disorder (i.e., mania and depressed mood) should be considered, although insufficient evidence supports or refutes their use in individuals with traumatic brain injury. Due to its narrow therapeutic window and high toxicity in overdoses, lithium should be used cautiously and with regular monitoring of blood levels in patients with cognitive impairment to prevent accidental overdoses. Renal function and thyroid indices should also be measured regularly.

If valproic acid is used, regular complete blood counts, amylase and electrolytes and valproic acid levels should be measured.

If carbamazepine is used, regular monitoring of liver function tests, electrolytes and CBC and Carbamazepine levels should be measured.

Suggested tool: Health Canada Indications of Use


Last Updated November 2023



The support network of an individual with traumatic brain injury should receive written information about the potential causes of behavioural and emotional disorders after traumatic brain injury, possible antecedents and triggers, appropriate behavioural and emotional management strategies, and possible medication side effects. The individual's support network should also be invited to provide feedback and behavioural data. 

Suggested tool: Health Canada Indications of Use

Last Updated November 2023