
This presentation will discuss different types of robotic devices (e.g., exoskeletons) for SCI rehabilitation with a focus on overground walking as an alternative to better address the multimorbidity nature of SCI. In addition to best practice recommendations, evidence-based protocols will be presented along with preliminary findings from studies carried at Lyndhurst Rehabilitation Centre. Other strategies (e.g., gait kinematics modulation, artificial intelligence, vestibular recalibration, and stochastic noise) with potential for adjunct use in the context of robotic gait training will also be presented.


Dr. Wagner H. Souza is a Scientific Associate at Lyndhurst Centre (Toronto Rehabilitation Institute), where he coordinates the implementation of the Lyndhurst exoskeleton-based clinic for integrated care in spinal cord injury. Dr. Souza is a Physical Therapist, he obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees from UFRN in Brazil, and his Neuroscience PhD from McGill University in Canada. Wagner also received postgraduate training in orthopedic trauma rehabilitation (UFRN) and clinical research design and implementation (Harvard University). He then completed three postdoctoral fellowships including: Medical Innovation and Solution Translation (Western University - University of Minnesota, jointly), Neuro-otologic Rehabilitation (Johns Hopkins University) and Integrative Robotic Rehabilitation for SCI (KITE -- University Health Network). With over a decade of experience in clinical research, Wagner's work is focused on strategies to characterize and improve human sensorimotor integration, mostly addressing the ability to control locomotion, gaze and postural balance in neurologic and aging populations. As a chronic patient living with advanced spinal ankylosing spondylitis himself, Wagner's personal mission is to collaboratively work with multiple stakeholders, particularly other individuals with lived experience, to develop and translate innovative and precise models of care, while facilitating information access to empower healthcare users as essential agents of their own successful rehabilitation narrative.